on the go

I've moved my blog over to Squarespace for this reason and that. This is a test of the mobile app...blogging without Desktop! More pleasing user interface for the author! I'm excited to have a sleek, simple blog. It's not perfectly designed and filled out yet. Just so you know.  If you REALLY miss the old page design you can visit it at sagebrushcoast.blogspot.com. Let me know you're out there peeking at my blog...it will motivate me to give you things to read.


20,000 Leagues

Oh, hey bloggy type people...how are you? For almost 5 weeks I've been 20,000 leagues under this new baby girl (yes a girl wearing blue...shocking I know). I haven't really made time to write for months, and am uncertain what to write anyway. I'm sure all I long to say about having a child has been said over and over again...maybe for thousands of years! I also promised here that this wouldn't turn into a mommy blog...but damn if that isn't my whole beautiful world right now. 

saturday as it should be

I love it when a Saturday turns out just right. We started out with coffee+pastry at a new cafe in our neighborhood called Cassava (if you go: go for lunch & get it to go. Cassava is adorable & so very yummy, but TINY...plus the park being 2 blocks away = picnic!).

Mid day I've been tinkering with my blog a little (new header + updated 'clicks' page).

And this evening we're having dinner with friends, making Ad Hoc fried chicken...yum.

What did you do today?

and furthermore...

Last night I welcomed myself back to my blog and just wanted to elaborate on "other tidbits soon to be revealed"

temp knuckle tats from Tattly

temp knuckle tats from Tattly

temp knuckle tats fromTattly

I'm building a new little person inside of me! I'm nearly three months pregnant :) 

Don't be scared...this is not going to turn into an all "Mommy Blog" all the time...I'd like to stay well rounded...and I'd like to try to be sensitive to people around me who are not/cannot/choose not to have kids. We're all friends here. But it's also true that this is a pretty big deal and I'm pretty excited, so of course it's going to come up from time to time. And it's my blog.

Eleven and a half weeks in...I've been very fortunate to have had it pretty easy.  Digestion is harder, crying is easier. Sleeping is up and down (get used to it). I've had a few scattered days where I felt sort of dazed and worried and scared by it all. I've had a few scattered days where I've decided I'm going to be a kick-ass mom (i.e. awesome, not literally kicking my kid's ass...geez.). In between I've been waiting for the everyday changes and effects...such as yesterday when my pants became uncomfortable. So I think pregnancy is really a game of constant re-adjustment and self pep talks. I'm grateful for our wondrous and understanding family and for how lucky I am in life and love.

large land mammal

american bison, antelope island UT

american bison, antelope island UT

Well...life just got in the way of blogging like a big ol' bison. This and that, work, Flora, holidays and family time, and other tidbits soon to be revealed, have occupied my brain and my time. Sagebrush Coast's one year bloggyversary came and went (cake, fireworks, etc. yay!) I'd been stressing out about my lack of posts and I realized:

A) I've been really busy and preoccupied.  Maybe not in comparison with some people, but it's all relative, right?

B) I had strayed from my blogging philosophy: that my blog is for me.  Obviously it's waaaay more fun when people read and comment and enjoy, but when it comes down to it, I do my best writing and posting and documenting when I do it for myself, not for a target audience. And thinking about a target audience is what sometimes stops me from blabbering away here.

C) People are not beating down my internet door breathlessly awaiting my words. There might not even be people out there...I know of 4...sometimes 5. Hullo?

D) Sort of related to B, I am a person and I have opinions and feelings, too. I'm just not always sure how or when to share them. I don't want to come across as someone who is not nice or who is fishing for sympathy/comments/questions or  who is being a Negative Nancy. Hmm, perhaps best to keep some thoughts to myself...

Anyway, long story short, I'll be frequenting this area more again... when I can. I may do a little catching up on the last couple months...I've got more pics to share from our Thanksgiving in Yosemite, a getaway in Santa Barbara, our holiday adventures in Salt Lake City, a couple of Museum Love posts, a word for 2012, and much more.

A very happy new year to you. I hope this finds all happy and healthy and warm ♥

headed for something

If you're a blogger you know the feeling that your blog has to look just right.  Bloggers are always giving their blog little makeovers, and regularly changing their blog headers...but of course headers have been around far longer than blogs. I enjoyed seeing this post on the fab BibliOdyssey blog of some Art Nouveau woodcut illustrated page headers...

I love them all, especially these two: 

Which are your favorites? Is it time for a header makeover?

list of seven

Not long ago I added a new blog to my daily routine called Indivisualism, full of lovely & interesting words and pictures. The blog is curated by pretty Petra, who last week passed on her Stylish Blogger Award to me & a few others *blush*

I loved Petra's globe-trotting take on the requisite list of seven you must write as an award recipient...but I think I'll fall back on the simple seven random facts about me: 

  • I'm half Canadian...which my Mom (the Canadian) insists isn't really a thing, since Canada is just as much an ethnic mish-mash as the States... Nevertheless, I'm proud of it, eh!
  • I lived in a converted old train caboose in the desert for 3 months while working at Joshua Tree National Park. I'll find the pictures and scan them soon-ish.  I had to wash my dishes in the shower.
  • Please don't make me eat bell peppers.
  • I am a dog person who does not want a dog.  I will make friends with and borrow and love your dog, but I won't get my own. (maybe ever)
  • I sneeze and sniffle a lot (mold, pollen, and dust are mainly to blame...and the occasional cat).  Sometimes people locate me based on my sniffling. I carry a lot of handkerchiefs.
  • I procrastinate and I generally run 10-15 minutes late. These flaws have been growing in strength lately...I'll fix them later ;)
  • I never changed my major in college (biology w/ marine emphasis). I thought a lot (even now) about switching to general biology, geology, english, art, or environmental studies...but I couldn't keep myself out of those tidepools ♥

welcome welcome

Hello from the Sagebrush Coast!

How about a little intro and a tiny tour?

Sagebrush Coast is a place for creativity, curiosity, and craftiness. 

This  new place excites me and makes me feel alert and alive...so I named it  after places in the world which are dear to my heart...the desert and  the sea.

Sagebrush Coast is a new blog for me, Sara, to  freely share things I'm interested in & things I'm doing or making.   You can read, enjoy, comment, and share too.