
There was an estate sale on our street today. Estate sales always make me feel a little funny. You're walking through a home, seeing and feeling the stories that surround and connect all the objects. Actually, that part I love. It's like a museum exhibit or an old photo...but it's a snapshot of a whole life. The part that's weird is watching shoppers rifle through it all and haggle. Anyway, I bought an old hand-crank egg beater and a pretty tray, and I'll add my own stories to them.


on the go

I've moved my blog over to Squarespace for this reason and that. This is a test of the mobile app...blogging without Desktop! More pleasing user interface for the author! I'm excited to have a sleek, simple blog. It's not perfectly designed and filled out yet. Just so you know.  If you REALLY miss the old page design you can visit it at Let me know you're out there peeking at my will motivate me to give you things to read.
